Monday, December 30, 2019

A Stop to Poaching - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 511 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/08/15 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Animal Poaching Essay Did you like this example? If the killing of wild animals isnt because of survival then it shouldnt be done.   Approximately 35,000 wild animals are killed annually due to poaching. Poaching is   the illegal hunting of wild animals usually associated with land use rights. Africa has seen the unprecedented annihilation of wild animals as a result of poaching and it is being fuelled by the profits that are made by commercial wildlife traffickers and   uncontrolled commercial exploitation. Many of the reserves in southern Africa are heavily targeted by armed poachers. Elephants are one of the animals that are being affected by poaching. If we dont take action against poaching, elephants will be extinct by 11 years. In an article by WWF Panda it states Tens of thousands of elephants are being killed every year for their ivory tusks.The mother elephants are killed for their tusks which leaves the babies to be unprotected. The babies are not going to be able to survive without any support. The hunters also end up killing the babies a couple days after. The tusks are used for ivory. Ivory is used to make piano and organ keys, billiard balls,and   handles. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Stop to Poaching" essay for you Create order There are several ways to make all of these things that do not involve killing animals. Botswana has 135,000,the largest elephant population in Africa. 135,000 might seem like a big number but the number of African elephants has fallen by around 111,000 to 415,000 in the past decade. There are ways to help save the lives of thousands of elephants. We need to either donate money to organizations that help protect wildlife animals, or fight with things like petitions to make things safer for them. Another animal that is being affected by poaching may be a bit surprising but its tigers. There are only around 3000-3200 tigers living right now because of poaching. About 1,800 of the remaining tigers live in India and   the rest are spread out in places like Siberia.   Due to the poaching of tigers, overall populations have dropped from 100,000 a hundred years ago. Tigers are poached because their pelts are valuable on the black market.   In an article by Poaching Facts it states from 2004 indicated that tiger skins were being sold for up to $10,000. Poachers also use poisoned dead bodies of animals of a tigers prey to kill them. In the summer they dig shallow pools and fill them with poisoned water for the tigers to drink and eventually die. We need to put as many tigers into zoos as possible, for their safety. We need to hear more people talking about tiger poaching and trying to do all that they can to help stop it.   Ã‚  Ã‚   However, The illegal trade in ivory could possibly be worth as much as $1 billion a year and the elephants biggest threat is ever-expanding human civilization, roads and agriculture that eats away at their habitat. In an article by Wes Siler it states   People who rely on farming and cattle ranching value the land and the crops that grow on it. Which means that the elephants that graze on that land are a threat to business.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Psychology The Psychology Of Psychology - 877 Words

This psychology class has further introduced me to two subfields of psychology that interest me. The first subfield is clinical psychology, which is â€Å"the study of individuals, by observation or experimentation, with the intention of promoting change† (American Psychological Association, 2015). They study different types of metal, emotional, and behavioral disorders from things as small and temporary such as school and work stress, to permanent issues like schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder. This particular section interests me because I find it interesting to learn about chronic diseases. It intrigues me to learn how these diseases come about and what affects they have on an individuals’ brain. For example, post-traumatic stress disorder can completely change a person and their everyday life, almost controlling them. Another subfield of psychology that interests me is forensic psychology. These psychologists â€Å"conduct evaluations that inform and guide legal proceedings† (American Psychological Association, 2015). The cases they work on range from child abuse cases to the sanity of a defendant. Forensic psychologists â€Å"conduct research on the interface of law and psychology†, this being why it interests me since I am a criminal justice and psychology major (Myers DeWall, 2014, p. C-3). The idea of being a part of legal issues such as being a part of the deliberation by the jury or taking place in the consultation is something I would enjoy doing. The reason IShow MoreRelatedPsychology : Psychology And Psychology1161 Words   |  5 PagesThere are many branches in the world of psychology. There is the behavior psychology, also known as behaviorism, a leading theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Cognitive psychology, the branch of psychology that focuses on internal states, such as motivation, problem solving, decision making, thinking and attention. De velopment psychology, the branch that looks at development throughout the lifespan, from childhood to adulthood. Out of the manyRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1627 Words   |  7 Pagescovers the many questions we may have about psychology. It starts with the history and how it has changed throughout the years. It covers some of the many subfields and jobs you can have as a psychologist. It also covers the four big ideas that are associated with psychology. There are many more topics and sub-topics that will be covered within this paper on chapter 1. Section 1-1 Psychological Science is born: This section shows how the heart of psychology changes over time. In 1879, at a germanRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1198 Words   |  5 PagesOne of the many amazing things about psychology is that it can be used in a lot of different situations, which makes it one of the most interesting and in depth subjects I have studied. I’m shocked at the amount of theories and concepts there are, all about how the mind works and how it forms them into what makes them. After reading and learning about the large amount of ideas that have come about through psychology, is the specific reason of what has kept me curious and kept me keen to continueRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1519 Words   |  7 PagesPsychology has been defined by many as the study of mental disorder or behavioral problems but discoveries and developments, points to psychology as the study of human mind and its functionality which includes the way we think, act, perceive things and be able to make decisions; all these makes man a complex being. Psychology isn’t just a phenomenon; it is a scientific study. Psychology as a science answers the question â€Å"why†, proposes a theory and sets experiment to test the hypothesis. The researchRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology889 Words   |  4 PagesOne: Psychology Defined Psychology is an exceptionally multifaceted field of study, regardless, it can be commonly defined as the study of mental processes and human behavior. The goals of psychology are to describe, explain, predict and control the behavior of others. Psychology incorporates an extensive range of different perspectives into its general principles as well as focuses on securing them with applied research, case studies, evaluations, etc. I first became interested in psychology whenRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology Essay2200 Words   |  9 PagesHow is psychology defined today? How did psychology start out being defined originally? Humans have always been interested in understanding their own body, especially the brain itself. Some of the first people to explore psychology were Aristotle and Socrates, (even though some of the things they thought were wrong) of course at the time they did not know what exactly they were studying. MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1267 Words   |  6 PagesPaper What is psychology? What impact does psychology have on the world? What does it mean to be a psychologist? These are three important questions that will be investigated throughout this paper. Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and behavior. Psychology influences many behaviors in the world without anyone noticing. Watson is interested in behaviorism. This means he was interested in the behavior of people and how they act and react. Through his article, Psychology as the BehavioristRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1630 Words   |  7 PagesPsychology is a very broad field of study and requires a lot of research when choosing a career. The education that is required for pursuing a career in the field of psychology depends on the type of psychologist you want to be. Most psychology programs require at least a master s degree to pursue a psychologist career, but some may require a doctoral degree. It is important to know the educational requirements as well as state requirements when entering the field of psychology. Southwestern hasRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology1018 Words   |  5 Pagesof psychology is common to talk about the psychological schools, as these are defined as groups of psychologists who shared a theoretical view and focused psychological problems w ith a common orientation; these have evolved over time. Psychology was first established as a separate science of biology and philosophy, that s when the real debate over how to describe and explain the human mind and behavior began start, different psychological schools represent the major theories of psychology. TheRead MorePsychology : Psychology And Psychology892 Words   |  4 PagesWhen you first think of the word psychology, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Well, some people might say they don’t know or some would say it’s something that has to do with the mind and/or human behavior. Psychology which comes from the Greek term â€Å"psyche† is the study of mental processes and behavior; especially those affecting behavior in a given context. There are several schools of thought in psychology. These schools include: structuralism (Wundt), functionalism (James), gestalt

Friday, December 13, 2019

Lessons of my school years Free Essays

During my childhood my grandmother stressed the importance of education. She would say education can take you around the world, but only through hard work and dedication. She neglected to mention the amount of peer pressure, the cliques formed throughout school and sarcastic teachers whom we are at all times to respect, even If they are not respecting us. We will write a custom essay sample on Lessons of my school years or any similar topic only for you Order Now I started school In Chicago, IL, where I was amongst 25-30 Pre-K children. Eager my first day to show my teacher I knew my Abs’s and ass’s. I was taught my first lesson bout school, speak when spoken to or called upon. Nothing crushes a rear old worse than a teacher not interested in what you’ve so proudly learned. I felt as though my learning weren’t important, as if I was Just there to take up space, I was another face amongst the crowd. I took this lesson and held on to it for the rest of my schooling until I learned otherwise. I never answered another question during group participation nor raised my hand to answer. By the time I was In 5th grade all I learned from Chicago public schools was a myth. Now In a rural community and a predominately African American school. I could not blend In with the scenery as my teacher Mrs.. Gates bombarded me one day with question after question, then math problem after math problem, until she came to the conclusion that I In fact knew my studies. I Just refused to be embarrassed by another uninterested teacher. She would then from that day, until the end of the school year, ask me first any question from all of the eight subjects we were being taught. I then understood the reality this teacher does care. She cared enough to see that somewhere along my schooling I had become a mute by default. By the time I had made it to eight grade I knew I was in for a ride. Mrs.. S Hardy, a teacher whom would seem to beat knowledge into you. Mrs.. Hardy never took I don’t know for an answer or I can’t. She empowered each and every one of her students with the power to learn. Explaining that your high school years define you as the person you’ll become. Yes, there will be clubs, sports teams, and organizations you will Join, but, education Is still our key to the world. She taught me that a friend only goes as far as graduation and not to be a follower along the path but to make my own path through life. To always be an independent thinker, know what I want out of life not what others want for me. Then all my elementary school encouragement was over upon entering SST. Anne Community High in August of 1997. When people start high school they’re usually so excited. They can’t wait to experience everything that comes with being in high school, I mean who wouldn’t? Everyone says that high school is the best four years of your life. I can’t say they were my best years but I can say they were my most educational years, of course I wouldn’t say that they weren’t fun because they were. When I say educational, I mean Eve learned so much about myself and so much about life. I learned what the words family, love, betrayal, law and life meant. All these events changed me, and I’m glad they happened because I wouldn’t have learned all these lessons. My personality hasn’t changed; I’m still a carefree girl, Just with a little more wisdom and a lot more strength. I first entered high school under the impression that this would Mrs.. Hardy, they would not leave me alone. I was amongst sophomores, Juniors, and seniors, a mere freshman, what did I know. I was not going to be able to blend in with the back ground but was an unwilling participant in the daily class activities. Mr.. Hubert, one of the most respected teachers in the school, sounded a lot like the guy from the clear eyes commercials. He explained to us that the upperclassmen were the from lack of studying or simply how he put it were chosen dummies who liked freshmen classes. How to cite Lessons of my school years, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Customers For Life By Carl Sewell Essay free essay sample

, Research Paper # 8220 ; Customers for Life # 8221 ; Carl Sewell s book Customers for Life is devoted to learning the bourgeois of today ways in which they can turn erstwhile purchasers into clients for life. He states that every client has the ability to be deserving 332,000 dollars to your concern if you can maintain them for life. Mr. Sewell is the figure selling luxury car trader in the state. He started from the underside and manipulated his car concern into a 250,000,000-dollar concern. In his book he explains the things that he has found to work for his concern in great item so that you may besides use them to your concern. The full book revolves around these 10 commandments to client service: The Ten Commandments of Customer Service 1. Bring em back alive. Ask clients what they want and give it to them once more and once more. Make non seek and think what the clients want, merely inquire them. They are more than willing to state you. You should do it easy for the client to state you what they want by giving them a short questionnaire. Most significantly, you do non desire to tease the client ; if you bother the client, they are non traveling to be happy. 2 Systems, non smilings. Stating please and thank you does non guarantee you ll do the occupation right the first clip, every clip. Merely systems warrant that. There are two major constituents of a system. The first being to make the occupation right the first clip and the 2nd one is holding a program in topographic point to cover with things when they go incorrect. Bing nice to the clients is merely 20 % of supplying good client service, the other 80 % of good client service is supplying the client with what they need and want. 3. Underpromise, overdeliver. Customers expect you to maintain your word, but instead than simply maintain it, transcend it. You neer want to bear down the client more than the estimation. To guarantee that this will go on, construct yourself a shock absorber so that you will be able to present the goods at a lower cost if possible. This will do the client like making concern with you ; therefore he will pass more money with you. There is the possibility of being able to bear down the client the hyperbolic sum, but this is non a good thought. Keeping the difference is non every bit good or every bit profitable as maintaining the client. You can swerve a sheep many times, but you can merely clamber it one time. 4. When the client asks something, the reply is ever yes. When a client asks if you can make something for them, the reply is ever yes, supplying the petition is someway related to your concern. Even if you can non calculate out instantly how to make what they ask, the reply is still yes. Make non bear down excess for things that a friend would make for another friend, you will more than do up the money in future concern. Help your client. 5. Open fire your inspectors and human dealingss section. Every employee who deals with clients must hold the authorization to manage ailments ( to a point ) . Inspectors make people sloppy. If you know that person is look intoing your work, you may be less likely to look into it yourself. Having a human dealingss section allows you to go out of touch with your employees and your clients. 6. No ailments? Something s incorrect. Promote your clients to state you what you re making incorrect. 96 % of unhappy clients neer say anything, they merely do non return. You need to promote your clients to talk their heads so that you can acquire an thought of what that client is experiencing. This will enable you to rectify the state of affairs instantly and one time once more regain that clients respect and trust. 7. Measure everything. Baseball squads and football squads do it, you should excessively. You need to mensurate everything that s relevant to the employee. You can non state people to make their best and them hope that their best is good plenty. Both you and the employee have to cognize how they are making and where they and the concern can better. You need to raise the degree of acceptable public presentation when your ends have been met. Unless you are systematically acquiring better, person will go through you by. You besides need to restrict the figure of ends that you set for your employees. If you give them excessively many things to concentrate on, they won t be able to concentrate on anything. 8. Wages are unjust. Pay people like spouses, offer them a piece of the net incomes for their section. Give your employee some inducement to overachieve and most normally will. This will take to larger net incomes, better efficiency, and greater productiveness in your overall concern. It will besides do the employees feel of import. 9. Your female parent was right, manners truly are of import. Show people respect and be polite. Having good manners and utilizing them neer hurt anyone. Being nice to people is more efficient, more effectual, and makes everyone experience better. You need to do more an excess attempt to make small things for people such as clasp unfastened doors and carry their purchases to their autos. This is something that people really much appreciate and retrieve. 10. Nipponese them. Learn how the best truly make it ; do their systems your ain. Then better them. The Japanese have developed the best systems for acquiring the most out of their employees and fulfilling clients. Borrow their thoughts and utilize them to break your systems. You must be afraid to tweak these thoughts so as to do them even better, cipher says you have to travel straight by the book. Some of the most successful concern people today have gotten there by flexing the regulations to acquire in front. Mr. Sewell is speedy to indicate out that these regulations are perfectly worthless if your concern is non doing a net income.