Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Illegal Immigration Should Not Invest Or Enforce On...

Illegal immigration cases have been booming in an unprecedented rate in the U.S. since the late 1990s. To absolve this matter, border security has been enforced throughout the entire country with the objective to reduce the entry of illegal immigrants across the border, wherein such acts to do so has been initiated such as the mass deportation of illegal immigrants, increasing security in national border and screening. This whole initiative has reduced the number of immigrants living in the U.S. However, current findings have proven that increasing enforcement and investment in current method of border security has given a huge negative impact to the nation. Given the methods used to handle this immigration issue, more subtle drawbacks have emerged within the country because of this implementation. The U.S. government should not invest or enforce on current method of border security because it prevents the rapid growth of the U.S. economy, robs away illegal immigrants’ humanit arian civil rights and, surprisingly, causes an influx in the number of illegal immigrants in the country. First and foremost, the enforcement of border security reduces the U.S. rapid economic growth. The entry of immigrants has benefited the society by empowering the capital of higher-skilled workers which has led to an influx of number of jobs available that benefits both native Americans or non-natives. According to Giovanni Peri, an economist in University of California-Davis, nonnativesShow MoreRelatedThe Dream Act2876 Words   |  12 PagesThe Public Policy of Illegal Immigration? Introduction Is higher education an entitlement? As a daughter of immigrants, this question can not be answered by a simple yes or no. Every area of policy is multifaceted. 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