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International Journal Older People Nursing â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The International Journal Older People Nursing? Answer: Introducation As far as the Australian old aged population is concerned, they wish to have a healthy, free and independent life. This work of care giving must be shared between the family, the Government and the paid carers (Nagata et al., 2016). Efforts are to be made so that the community as a whole must care for the aged people. Six priority areas have been identified in order to promote health and wellbeing, resilience and also to provide financial support to the aged people. These six areas are recognition and respect, information and access, economic security, services for carers, education and training, and health and well-being. As responsible members of a community, we must get together and see that proper care is given to the older people so that they do not have to seek shelter in the retirement villages or anywhere away from their houses. Living alone during the old age can be one of the major factors leading to the entry in the residential homes. Hence, care must be taken so that the community as a whole supports the old people and also shares this task of old age care (Edvardsson et al., 2014). The community must arrange for all the facilities like pathological, intense high level nursing etc. If all these services can be rendered to the old people from the community itself, then the old people might be able to stay at home for the maximum length of their lifetime. Tara Lee O'Donoghue- Monday, 18 September 2017, 3:54 PM The care giving process to the older people must be a cumulative process undertaken by the entire community. The community must arrange for all the facilities like pathological, intense high level nursing etc. If all these services can be rendered to the old people from the community itself, then the old people might be able to stay at home for the maximum length of their lifetime. While dealing with the aged people, one must know how to develop a sense of belonging among them ( Alexander et al.,2016). In other words the old people have to be made involved with others, which in turn will promote their well being. After thorough interview, it was seen that the residents of the residential cares often feel ignored dm neglected. They suffer from depression and from the fear and pain of separation from their family. However, in order to save them from this depression, they need to be encouraged from time to time for taking part in various social activities. They must also be encouraged t o adapt easily with the new social surrounding. In other words, they must be given a better life in the residential care units then what they had before in their home. Calandra Estelle Dango- Monday, 18 September 2017, 6:58 PM It is a known fact that the old people are to be given proper affection and care. This care has to be rendered by following the different layers of the Maslow theory. According to this theory, the first layer is that of the basic food, clothing and shelter need that needs to be given to the aged people. It is only after satisfying these basic needs that the elders can be made to feel at home. It is only after achieving this comfort zone that the community must try to render the esteem needs of the elder individuals. As they are separated from their near and dear ones in the retirement houses, they are in utter need of love, belongingness and love. This is the collective responsibility of the family members, the retirement centers and even the state as a while to provide to these emotional needs. Prior to everything, it must be the utmost duty of the family members to render this emotional support in an informal way that is without any payment. It is after this stage, that they can ge t the feel of safety. As it is already very tough to stay in a whole new environment without their own family members. So, it is of utmost importance that their psychology needs are fulfilled. ByWinsome Augusta Norma Van den Bossche- Tuesday, 19 September 2017, 5:09 PM It is a known fact that the older people often suffer from dementia when they grow old. Rather them neglecting them, their families must take the help of different agencies like the Carer South organization (Broad et al., 2013). This organization is there to help the dementia affected patient and their family. They make the Matter easy by talking with the family of the patient and also by arranging several concerts and functions where the patient can enjoy and spent time with his family. References Alexander, G., Abbott, P., Fossum, M., Shaw, R. J., Yu, P., Alexander, M. M. (2016). The future of informatics in aged care: an international perspective. Broad, J. B., Ashton, T., Gott, M., McLeod, H., Davis, P. B., Connolly, M. J. (2015). Likelihood of residential aged care use in later life: A simple approach to estimation with international comparison.Australian and New Zealand journal of public healthcare,39(4), 374-379. Broad, J. B., Gott, M., Kim, H., Boyd, M., Chen, H., Connolly, M. J. (2013). Where do people die? An international comparison of the percentage of deaths occurring in hospital and residential aged care settings in 45 populations, using published and available statistics.International Journal of Public Health,58(2), 257-267. Edvardsson, D., Petersson, L., Sjogren, K., Lindkvist, M., Sandman, P. O. (2014). Everyday activities for people with dementia in residential aged care: associations with person?centredness and quality of life.International Journal of Older People Nursing,9(4), 269-276. Nagata, S., Asahara, T., Wang, C., Suyama, Y., Chonan, O., Takano, K., .. Yamashiro, Y. (2016). The effectiveness of Lactobacillus beverages in controlling infections among the residents of an aged care facility: a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind trial.Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism,68(1), 51-59

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