Sunday, May 17, 2020

Who Is a True Genius - 1007 Words

Kim Danya R. Yap | 2010-34913 | Anthro10 X2 | Mr. Esteban | May 2, 2011 Wisest Is He Who Knows Who the True Genius Is There have been numerous advances in science, mathematics, medicine, art, music, literature, and technology thanks to different scientists, mathematicians, musicians, writers, and artists. As a result, life has been made generally more interesting and comfortable. Work, transportation, communication and the like have become faster, easier, and more manageable than centuries ago. With this fact, people thanked and honored these certain men and women for their contributions. They dubbed these men and women the title ‘genius.’ Examples of these geniuses are Isaac Newton, Alexander Graham Bell, Wolfgang Mozart, William†¦show more content†¦Unfortunately, his good-hearted attempts in helping people examine themselves and their own faults produced not only students/disciples, but also enemies of his own. These enemies of Socrates accused him of corrupting the minds of the youth and of other people. He was tried, found guil ty, and was sentenced to death. Up to his death, Socrates remained firmly grounded in his moral and virtuous beliefs and principles. He was given the choice to be free but to be free, he had to live a life of silence (no cross-examining other people anymore) and to this he refused. He chose to die rather than recant his principles. In this lies another of his legacies to humanity: the meaning of integrity and moral commitment; to stand up for what you believe in and not be coerced by anything or anyone. I believe that examining and improving the self through virtues and principles is much more important than all the technological advances combined. What good are machines and money if they are used for the wrong reasons? Furthermore, will they be able to give a person the kind of happiness that is genuine and true? The self should be shaped rightly if one wants to live a truly happy life, and in order for one to shape oneself, he/she has to examine and question himself/herself first. He/she should not be complacent but instead must be ever exploring and discovering ways to improve himself/herself and be a better person. This is the main idea that Socrates wanted to impart to people. FromShow MoreRelatedGenius Defined Essay904 Words   |  4 PagesThe word genius can be used to describe a person, an idea or an invention. As a person, a genius is one that stands out from a crowd and tackles the most difficult of problems in the simplest of ways. A genius is not only very clever, but instinct allows them to think outside the box. The term genius is often associated with names such as Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, JS Bach, William Blake, and Socrates. 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